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Deployment: Post-Processing

As the *metadata_classified.csv file, generated during the classification step, still contains multiple rows for each tracked insect (= track_ID), we will use the script for metadata post-processing.

The output of the script includes a *top1_final.csv file in which each row corresponds to an individual tracked insect and its classification result with the highest weighted probability.


It is assumed that you already followed the instructions in the classification step and successfully ran the classify/ script to classify the cropped insect images and write the classification results to *metadata_classified.csv.

  • Navigate to the YOLOv5-cls folder, in which you downloaded the insect-detect-ml repo.
  • Install the required packages by running:

    py -m pip install -r insect-detect-ml-main/requirements.txt

Run metadata post-processing

  • Navigate to the YOLOv5-cls folder and start the post-processing script by running:

    py insect-detect-ml-main/ -source "yolov5-master/runs/predict-cls/<NAME>/results" -size 350 200 -images 3 1800

    Insert the correct name of your prediction run at <NAME>. If you used a platform with a different size as the small platform (350x200 mm), change -size to your frame width + hight in mm accordingly.

    Optional arguments
    • -source set path to directory containing metadata .csv file(s) with classification results
    • -size set absolute frame width and height in mm to calculate true bbox size (default: relative bbox size)
    • -images remove tracking IDs with less or more than the specified number of images
    • -duration remove tracking IDs with less or more than the specified duration in seconds

When using the default capture frequency of one second, it is highly recommended to use -images 3 1800 to remove all tracked insects (= track_ID) with less than 3 or more than 1800 images before saving the *top1_final.csv.

This can exclude many false tracking IDs, e.g. insects moving too fast to be correctly tracked ("jumping" IDs) or objects that are lying on the platform and are incorrectly detected as insects. Depending on the speed and accuracy of the deployed detection model, as well as the capture frequency and respective recording duration, adjusting these thresholds or using the -duration argument instead, can result in a more accurate estimation of insect abundance/activity (= platform visits).

Overview plots

Several plots are generated by the script that can give a first overview of the post-processed metadata. For more in-depth statistics, the final .csv file should be analyzed with software such as R + RStudio.

The plot top1_mean_det_conf.png can be used to find cases (e.g. small beetles in the following example) for which the deployed detection model has a low confidence score and additional annotated images could increase model accuracy.

Plot mean detection confidence

The plot rec_id_top1.png gives a overview of the top1 classes per recording. In the following example, lower numbers of insects at recordings early in the day can be noticed. Also an increase of images classified as dirt (none_dirt) can be observed in later recordings.

Plot top1 classes per recording

The plot track_images.png gives you information about the distribution of the number of images (= tracking duration) per tracking ID. It is recommended to remove all tracked insects with less than 3 or more than 1800 images before saving the final .csv file. You can also run the script without the argument -images or -duration to plot all tracking IDs and include them in the final .csv file.

Plot images per tracking ID

To find cases where the accuracy of the classification model could be improved by retraining with additional images added to the basic dataset, you can inspect the plots top1_prob.png and top1_prob_mean.png. In the following example, a relatively low classification probability can be noticed for the classes hfly_myathr (but also only few images), hfly_eristal, beetle and bee_apis. The classified and sorted images in the folder top1_classes should be inspected in cases of such low probabilities to find false classification results.

Boxplot prob per top1 class

Plot mean prob per top1 class