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Raspberry Pi Setup

Before you can use the Raspberry Pi, you will first have to install Raspberry Pi OS Lite to the microSD card. If you followed the steps in Local Setup, you already have the Raspberry Pi Imager installed on your computer.

SSH key based authentication

It is recommended to use SSH key based authentication for communication with your Raspberry Pi. You can find more details on this topic and instructions for macOS/Linux in the VS Code Docs and Raspberry Pi Docs.

Since v1.8.1 of the Raspberry Pi Imager, you can now easily generate a new SSH key pair during the Raspberry Pi OS installation. If you want to generate your SSH key pair manually or set up SSH key based authentication after SD card setup, follow the steps in the info box.

Generate SSH key manually

First check if there is already an SSH key pair on your computer by going to the C:\Users\<username>\.ssh folder. If there are two files named id_rsa and you can skip this step and move on to RPi OS installation. If you can't find the .ssh folder or the key files, you will have to generate a new SSH key pair on your PC. Open a local Terminal (Windows PowerShell) and run the following command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Save the key to the default location C:\Users\<username>/.ssh/id_rsa by hitting Enter. When you are asked to enter a passphrase, leave the field empty and hit Enter twice. You have now generated a private and public SSH key. The public SSH key should be automatically inserted during the RPi OS installation in the next step, if you choose public-key authentication.

If you want to connect your Raspberry Pi to multiple local PCs with SSH key based authentication, generate an SSH key pair on each local PC and copy the line with the public key from /.ssh/ on your PC to a new row in /home/pi/.ssh/authorized_keys on your Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi add SSH key

Optional: SSH key based authentication after SD card setup

If you already have the SD card prepared without public-key authentication, you can still configure this by following the steps above to generate the key pair and then (while connected to your Raspberry Pi via SSH) running the following command in your local Terminal (Windows PowerShell):

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh pi@<IP-ADDRESS> 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Please make sure to enter the correct IP address (or hostname) of your Raspberry Pi. After entering your RPi password, your public SSH key will be saved to /home/pi/.ssh/authorized_keys. After that you won't be asked to enter your password again, as the authentication is now based on the SSH key.

Raspberry Pi OS installation

Insert the microSD card into your card reader and open the Raspberry Pi Imager. Start with selecting your device (Raspberry Pi model).

Raspberry Pi Imager choose device

If you are using the recommended model Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, select it.

Raspberry Pi Imager RPi Zero 2 W

Choose the RPi OS in the next step. We don't want to install the default OS with Desktop, so you have to go to the other Raspberry Pi OS based images.

Raspberry Pi Imager choose OS

Select the option Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) Lite (Debian Bullseye). The new Raspberry Pi OS (Debian Bookworm), released 2023-10-10, introduces several changes including the setup and configuration options. It is not yet recommended and tested with the software.

Raspberry Pi Imager choose lite OS

You can now choose the storage. Select your microSD card, which will be formatted during the Raspberry Pi OS installation.

Raspberry Pi Imager choose storage

Hit the Next button and choose Edit settings when you are asked if you would like to apply OS customisation settings.

Raspberry Pi Imager edit settings

Change the following settings under the General tab:

  • Set the hostname (default: raspberrypi). If you will be deploying multiple camera traps, you should give each a unique hostname (e.g. camtrap1, camtrap2 etc.).
  • Set the username and password. Use the default pi as username.
  • Enter your WiFi SSID and password, to be able to connect to the RPi via SSH immediately after the first boot. In some cases it might be beneficial to use a mobile hotspot from your PC (e.g. to share restricted WiFi, multiple WiFis or Ethernet).
  • Select the correct Wireless LAN country in the dropdown menu below.
  • Set the locale settings to your time zone and keyboard layout.

Raspberry Pi Imager settings general

Change the following settings under the Services tab:

  • Enable SSH with public-key authentication.
  • If you didn't already generate an SSH key pair, press Run SSH-Keygen to generate a new SSH key pair. The public key will be automatically inserted in the text field.

Raspberry Pi Imager settings services

You can keep the default settings under the Options tab. Hit Save and choose Yes when you are asked if you would like to apply your OS customisation settings.

You can now write the correctly configured Raspberry Pi OS Lite to your microSD card. After the writing process is finished, insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Imager settings options

If you already have the PiJuice Zero pHAT (+ PiJuice battery) connected to your Raspberry Pi, insert the micro USB cable (connected to your battery, laptop or power supply) into the PiJuice USB micro input. Power on the Raspberry Pi with a short single press on the PiJuice SW1 button (on the left and marked green in the following picture). More info: PiJuice power button and LED.

If your are working without the PiJuice at the moment, insert your micro USB cable connected to a power supply, battery or laptop into the PWR IN USB micro input on the outer side of the Raspberry Pi. The first boot will take a little bit longer, as all of the custom configuration has to be enabled. Wait until the green LED stops blinking (about 5 min) before moving on.

PiJuice Zero buttons

You can connect to the RPi via SSH by using the hostname, that you set during the RPi OS installation (e.g. raspberrypi) in the following step. If you did not set a hostname or don't know it, you will have to connect to the RPi by using its IP address.

To be able to connect to the Pi via SSH without using the hostname, you will first have to find its IP address in the WiFi network. There are several ways to achieve this, probably one of the easiest solutions is to install the Fing App and scan the IP addresses of all devices in your WiFi network.

SSH connection and X11 forwarding

For casual users the following steps are recommended, which will give you all necessary functions to test and deploy the DIY camera trap. For experienced users, who want to use the Raspberry Pi as remote development environment, follow the steps in the info box.

Optional: Remote-SSH & Remote X11 extension configuration

Not supported by RPi Zero W (v1)!

Open VS Code and press the button (Open a Remote Window) in the bottom left to open the Remote-SSH extension connection settings.

VS Code open remote SSH

Choose the first option Connect to Host...

VS Code connect remote SSH

Type in your user name (this is pi if you didn't change the default name) and your Pi's hostname or IP address with @ in between (e.g. pi@raspberrypi or pi@ and hit Enter.

VS Code connect remote SSH IP address

Now VS Code will connect to the Raspberry Pi via SSH and open a new remote window. This might take a while during the first start, as several packages have to be installed on the Raspberry Pi first. When you are asked to select the platform of the remote host, choose Linux. Enter the password that you set in the Raspberry Pi Imager options when you are asked for it (not necessary if you chose public-key authentication).

After these steps, the Pi SSH Terminal at the bottom will open and you can start with setting up your RPi. In the explorer view on the left, press Open Folder and open the home folder /home/pi/. You can now view and edit files (e.g. Python scripts and images) directly in VS Code and drag & drop any files or folders (e.g. insect-detect) from your PC to the RPi Zero.

If the Pi SSH Terminal will not automatically open after you established the SSH connection, go to Terminal in the menu bar at the top and open a New Terminal.

VS Code Raspberry Pi connected

When you are asked to trust the authors of the files in this folder press Yes and make sure to check the option Trust the authors of all files in the parent folder 'home'.

VS Code Raspberry Pi trust authors

Open the VS Code Extensions and install the Remote X11 extension that you already installed to your computer in Local Setup to the Raspberry Pi by selecting Install in SSH:.

VS Code Remote X11 install SSH

Open the local Remote X11 (SSH) extension and select Extension Settings.

VS Code Remote X11 SSH settings

At the top you will see two tabs for User and Remote [SSH: <IP-ADDRESS>]. In the User settings tab, make sure that the XAuth Permission Level is set to trusted.

VS Code Remote X11 SSH settings User

Go to the Remote [SSH: <IP-ADDRESS>] settings tab and change the Display Command to:


VS Code Remote X11 SSH settings Remote Display

Scroll down and set the XAuth Permission Level to trusted.

VS Code Remote X11 SSH settings Remote Authentication

Now you can start the VcXsrv X server by opening the XLaunch.exe, which you installed in Local Setup. Keep all the default settings and the VcXsrv tray icon will appear in your taskbar. Before we will test the X11 forwarding, open a new SSH Terminal in VS Code for all changes to take effect.

VS Code new Terminal

You can test if the X11 forwarding from the Raspberry Pi to our Windows X Server is established by running the following command:


...which should give you the following output:

X11 connection Error

If the X11 connection is not properly working, a possible problem could be an incompatible private key format. You can convert your private key to the older PEM format (which will work with the Remote X11 extension) by running the following command in your local Terminal (Windows PowerShell):

ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f .ssh/id_rsa

Restart VcXsrv and reboot the Raspberry Pi before testing the connection again with echo $DISPLAY.

  • Set the DISPLAY environment variable in Windows by opening the Command Prompt (cmd) and running:

    setx DISPLAY "localhost:0.0"

    You may have to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

  • Start the VcXsrv X server by opening the XLaunch.exe, which you installed after following the Local Setup. Keep all the default settings (press Next three times, then Finish) and the VcXsrv tray icon will appear in your taskbar.

  • Open a new Terminal in VS Code.

    VS Code new Terminal

  • Connect to your Raspberry Pi via SSH and trusted X11 forwarding (-Y) by running:

    ssh -Y pi@raspberrypi

    If you set a different hostname than raspberrypi during the RPi OS installation, change it accordingly. When you are asked if you are sure you want to continue connecting, type in yes and hit Enter.

  • Use right-click to paste commands to the Pi's SSH Terminal.

  • You can check if X11 forwarding works correctly by running:

    echo $DISPLAY

    ...which should give you the following output:

  • If you followed the steps in Local Setup, you already have the SSH FS extension installed. Open the extension by clicking on the folder icon in the left side bar.

  • Create a new SSH FS configuration (Name: your RPi hostname) with the following fields:

    • Host: raspberrypi (or different hostname)
    • Port: 22
    • Root: ~/
    • Username: pi
    • Private key: c:\Users\<username>\.ssh\id_rsa (insert your Windows username)
  • Leave the other fields blank and save the configuration with the Save button at the bottom.

  • In the SSH FS extension, click on the first symbol to the right of your configuration (Add as Workspace folder). Retry if it does not work immediately. This will open the /home/pi folder in your VS Code explorer. You can now view and edit files (e.g. Python scripts and images) directly in VS Code and drag & drop any files or folders (e.g. insect-detect) from your PC to the RPi.

RPi configuration

We will start with updating all standard packages by running:

sudo apt update the Pi SSH Terminal, followed by:

sudo apt full-upgrade

When you are asked if you want to continue, confirm with Y+Enter.

VS Code Raspberry Pi update

Reboot the Raspberry Pi after all updates were successfully installed with:

sudo reboot

After the reboot you will have to establish a new SSH connection. When the Raspberry Pi SSH Terminal is back and active again, we will change some of the RPi settings (use the arrow keys to navigate) with:

sudo raspi-config

VS Code raspi config

  • Under 1 System OptionsWireless LAN you can add additional WiFi SSIDs and passwords, e.g. if you want to connect to a Hotspot from your phone while in the field. All WiFi settings are stored in wpa_supplicant.conf. You can also edit them directly by running:

    sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
  • Go back to the main menu and select 3 Interface OptionsI5 I2C and enable the I2C interface. We will need this for communication with the PiJuice Zero pHAT.

  • Next, go to 4 Performance OptionsP2 GPU Memory and change the value from 64 to 16. As we are using the RPi Lite OS version without desktop environment, we won't need more memory for graphical features and more RAM will be available.
  • Under 6 Advanced Options, choose A1 Expand Filesystem to ensure that all of the SD card space will be available.
  • Also under 6 Advanced Options, select A2 GL driver, which will install several packages (confirm with Y+Enter). After the packages are installed, you can select the first option G1 Legacy in the raspi-config window, which will disable the new KMS video driver for 3D graphics in RPi OS Bullseye.

After these changes are made, select Finish in the bottom right of the main menu and reboot.

In the next step, we will disable some features that we won't need to decrease the RPi power consumption. In the Pi SSH Terminal run:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

We will disable audio, camera/display auto detects and Bluetooth, by making the following changes in the config.txt file (use the arrow keys to navigate):

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

# Automatically load overlays for detected cameras

# Automatically load overlays for detected DSI displays

Copy and paste (use right-click to paste) the following two lines directly under the options you just changed:

# Disable Bluetooth

Exit the editor with Ctrl+X and save the changes with Y+Enter.

VS Code RPi config.txt

The last thing we can do to decrease the power consumption, is to disable HDMI at each boot. In the SSH Terminal run:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Add the following lines above exit 0:

# Disable HDMI at boot
/usr/bin/tvservice -o

Exit the editor with Ctrl+X and save the changes with Y+Enter.

VS Code RPi rc.local HDMI

Reboot the Raspberry Pi for all changes to take effect:

sudo reboot

If you want to shutdown your Raspberry Pi, run:

sudo shutdown -h now

PiJuice Zero configuration

In the next steps, we will configure the PiJuice Zero for efficient power management and wake-up control. If you want to try the system without the PiJuice Zero connected to the Raspberry Pi, you can skip this and the following step and directly continue with the OAK-1 configuration.

First install the PiJuice package and its dependencies by running:

sudo apt install pijuice-base

When you are asked if you want to continue, confirm with Y+Enter.

After the installation you can check if the PiJuice Zero is correctly detected by running:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

If you see an entry at address 14 and 68, the connection to the PiJuice is now established.

VS Code PiJuice i2cdetect

From now on we want to use the built-in RTC (real-time clock) of the PiJuice Zero board as primary hardware clock to wake up the Raspberry Pi at specific times when it is not connected to the internet. For this, we will have to manually load the RTC driver at each boot by modifying the /boot/config.txt file with:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Add the following lines at the end of the text file:

# Load PiJuice RTC driver at boot

Exit the editor with Ctrl+X and save the changes with Y+Enter.

config.txt PiJuice RTC driver

Reboot the Raspberry Pi:

sudo reboot

After the reboot run:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

You should now see UU at address 68, which means that the RTC driver was successfully loaded and the PiJuice RTC will now be used as hardware clock.

VS Code PiJuice i2cdetect RTC

You can check if the date and time is correct with:

sudo hwclock -r

We will now configure the PiJuice Zero through its command line interface by running:


VS Code PiJuice CLI

  • Start with checking if the firmware is up to date by going to the Firmware tab (use the arrow keys to navigate). If there is a new version available, Update the firmware.
  • Next, go to the Battery profile tab and check if the correct profile is selected. If you are using the 12,000 mAh battery, this should be PJLIPO_12000. Scroll down and change Temperature sense to NTC. This will make sure that the battery temperature is correctly estimated. Save the changed settings with Apply settings.
  • Go to the System Task tab, activate Software Halt Power Off and set the Delay period [seconds] to 20. With this setting activated, the power to the Raspberry Pi will be cut off 20 seconds after a software shutdown has occured. This will make sure that the OS can complete the shutdown process without potential SD card corruption.

    VS Code PiJuice System Task

  • Optional: Depending on your hardware setup, under the Battery profile tab you could decrease the Termination current [mA] to e.g. 100 if you are using a solar panel as direct input into the PiJuice Zero (Minimal Setup without Voltaic battery).

The most important settings are now applied. You can get a lot more information about all of the other settings at the PiJuice GitHub repo.

In the last step, we will set the Wakeup Alarm to specified times to fully automate the camera trap recordings. The PiJuice wakeup alarm clock is set in UTC time, so you have to convert the wake-up times to your time zone (in our case UTC+2). As you can see in the example below, we set our Wakeup Alarm to Every day at Hour 7;10;13;16 UTC time, which means that the PiJuice will wake up the Raspberry Pi everyday at 9, 12, 15 and 18 o'clock (UTC+2). Activate Wakeup enabled and press Set alarm to save your specified wake-up times.

VS Code PiJuice Wakeup Alarm

During summer it might make sense to not record around noon, as many insects are not active during the hottest daytime. Also the temperature in the camera trap enclosure will be lower if the RPi and OAK-1 are not running, which can increase the charging efficiency of the batteries.

With this we are finished with the PiJuice Zero pHAT configuration and we can set up the cron job that will execute the monitoring script at boot in the next step.

Set up Cron Job

Because the Raspberry Pi should run the Python script for automated insect monitoring on its own after being woken up by the PiJuice, we have to set up a cron job that will be executed at each boot. You can find more information about cron, crontab and cron jobs here.

Open the crontab file for editing by running:

crontab -e

When you are asked to choose an editor, type in 1 and confirm with Enter.

Now paste the following lines at the end of the crontab file:

# Sleep for 30 seconds after boot to wait for all services to start, then execute Python script and
# redirect error messages (stderr) to standard output (stdout) and append both to log file with timestamp
@reboot sleep 30 && { printf "\%s " "$(date +"\%F \%T")"; python3 insect-detect/; } >> insect-detect/cronjob_log.log 2>&1
Optional arguments

Add after python3 insect-detect/, separated by space:

  • -4k crop detections from (+ save HQ frames in) 4K resolution (default: 1080p)
  • -af CM_MIN CM_MAX set auto focus range in cm (min distance, max distance)
  • -ae use bounding box coordinates from detections to set auto exposure region
  • -crop save cropped detections with aspect ratio 1:1 (default: -crop square) or keep original bbox size with variable aspect ratio (-crop tight)
  • -full additionally save full HQ frames to .jpg together with cropped detections (-full det) or at specified frequency, independent of detections (-full freq)
  • -overlay additionally save full HQ frames with overlays (bbox + info) to .jpg
  • -log write RPi CPU + OAK chip temperature, RPi available memory + CPU utilization and battery info to .csv
  • -zip store data in an uncompressed .zip file for each day and delete original directory

Exit the editor with Ctrl+X and save the changes with Y+Enter.

This cron job will wait for 30 seconds after boot (sleep 30) to make sure that all important services are ready. It will then run the provided Python script and append all error messages redirected to the standard output (2>&1) to a log file together with a prepended timestamp (printf "\%s " "$(date +"\%F \%T")").

If you are still in the testing phase, it is highly recommended to comment out your cronjob by adding # in front of @reboot, otherwise each time you are booting up your Raspberry Pi, it will try to run the Python script.

OAK-1 configuration

Before you can use the DepthAI API in the Python scripts for automated insect monitoring on the RPi + OAK-1, you will first have to install some dependencies by running:

sudo curl -fL | bash

Additionally, install the package libopenblas-dev:

sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
Only Raspberry Pi Zero W (v1)

Additionally to the installed dependencies, you will have to install the package libusb-1.0-0-dev with:

sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev

Download the insect-detect GitHub repo, extract it and change its foldername to insect-detect. Copy the renamed folder to the home/pi directory of your Raspberry Pi, by simply dragging & dropping it into the SSH FS Workspace folder (or VS Code remote window explorer).

Install all required Python packages by running:

python3 -m pip install -r insect-detect/requirements.txt

You can check if your OAK camera is correctly detected by running:

lsusb | grep MyriadX

...which should give you the following output:

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 03e7:2485 Intel Movidius MyriadX
Device not found

If your device is not found, or if you get errors including something like X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND or skipping X_LINK_UNBOOTED device, you can set new udev rules to identify the OAK device. Unplug the OAK camera, then run:

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03e7", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/80-movidius.rules

...followed by:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

Plug the OAK device back into the USB port, it should be correctly detected and identified now.

With everything set up, you can now move on to Programming and use the provided Python scripts for your own automated insect monitoring pipelines!